To all Unifor Local 531 members, Vancouver and Calgary locations
Thank you to everyone who has put their name forward or those that your coworkers nominated for Workplace Representative Elections for Local 531.
PROCESS: A list of candidates and their bios (if provided) will be posted in the workplaces on the union bulletin boards and will be sent out via email.
Nominees may not use Company email systems to solicit votes.
Those nominated were notified by email and text message advising them of the process to notify Unifor of their intentions by the defined deadline. Several nominees did not respond to the nomination and are therefore ineligible to be a candidate in the election.
Workplace Representative Nominees YVR
Accepted with thanks to their nominator

Declined, with thanks to their nominator
No Response
Workplace Representative Nominees YYC
Accepted with thanks to their nominator

Declined, with thanks to their nominator
No Response
ELECTION PERIOD: Saturday, January 21st, 0001 PST to Wednesday, January 25th, 2359 PST
The Successful candidates will be determined from the candidates receiving the highest number of votes to elect 7 (seven) Workplace Representatives in Calgary and 5 (five) in Vancouver.
The election will be conducted electronically by a neutral 3rd party provider, Simply Voting and details of the vote will be forthcoming. All eligible voters will receive an email with instructions on the voting process and access to their electronic ballot shortly before the vote commences. All results will be posted and emailed at the conclusion of the voting times.
The election will be conducted in accordance with Unifor Policy C-100, Policy Regarding Local Union Election.
The full policy can be found and viewed at this link:
If you have any questions or concerns or do not receive your voting instructions, please contact us at [email protected]
Yours truly,
John Aman
Senior Director
Local Union Matters
Billy O’Neill
National Representative
Organizing Department
Further questions? Please contact [email protected]
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