With the busy holiday travel season upon us, Unifor would like to wish you and yours a Happy Holiday and all the best for the New Year.

For airport workers, the next couple of weeks will be the busiest of the year. Even so, we will be trying to balance our work responsibilities with the needs of our families and our desire to provide the best holidays for them we can.

It is at times like these that the importance of a good union, one that can help ensure fair scheduling, is most apparent. Airport workers who are members of Unifor have been able to negotiate scheduling contract language based on predictability, flexibility and fairness – and with a grievance procedure to settle any disputes.

We will talk about all that more in the New Year, along with other reasons you deserve to enjoy the union advantage. In the meantime, enjoy your time off over the holidays, and we will talk again in the New Year about the best way to give you and your coworkers a voice in the workplace.

If you get the chance, please also remember those who are less fortunate, and donate to food and toy drives in your neighbourhood. Unifor participates in toy, food and clothing drives across Canada – because everyone deserves a happy holiday season.

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

If you have any questions, please reach out to one of your organizers.

Billy O'Neill, Unifor
[email protected] | 416-605-1443

Bruce Fafard, Unifor
[email protected] | 587-341-0945

British Columbia
Murray Gore, Unifor
[email protected] | 604-671-9141

Patrick Murray, Unifor
[email protected] | 506-850-7996



Unifor is a Canadian union with a modern, inclusive approach to serving members and improving our workplaces and communities. // Unifor est un syndicat canadien qui a une approche moderne et inclusive pour servir ses membres et améliorer nos lieux de trav