Women across the world have come forward with stories of harassment in the workplace. As a union, we believe that it is not too much to ask to go to work without being anxious about any sexual harassment that could happen there. Our collective agreements bargain clear anti-harassment language and due process for workers who are face harassment and discrimination.

Did you know?

Unifor has a ground-breaking women's advocate program bargained into workplaces across the country? A Women’s Advocate is a specially trained workplace representative who assists women with concerns such as workplace harassment, intimate violence and abuse. The Women’s Advocate is not a counsellor but rather provides support for women accessing community and workplace resources.



Unifor is a Canadian union with a modern, inclusive approach to serving members and improving our workplaces and communities. // Unifor est un syndicat canadien qui a une approche moderne et inclusive pour servir ses membres et améliorer nos lieux de trav