Dear WestJet Call Centre and Campus Team,

We hope this message finds you well. I'm excited to share some updates regarding the ongoing campaign to join Unifor and the remarkable advantages it brings to your workforce. Over the past few weeks, momentum has surged as more and more of our colleagues have signed Unifor membership cards, recognizing the power of collective bargaining and the benefits of union representation.

As we move forward, it's essential to understand the profound impact that joining Unifor will have on your workplace dynamics and your ability to secure fair treatment and benefits. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Collective Bargaining Power: By joining Unifor, you become part of a larger collective with the strength to negotiate for fair wages, job security, and improved working conditions. Through increased union density, we amplify your voice and ensure that your needs and concerns are effectively addressed.

  2. Representation and Support: Unifor provides specialized training for elected workplace representatives who will advocate for your rights and interests. Additionally, dedicated specialists at both local and national levels are committed to championing workers' rights and ensuring that WestJet employees are treated fairly.

  3. Bargaining Committee Representation: Upon certification, you will have the opportunity to elect Bargaining Committee members who will receive comprehensive training from Unifor. These members will sit at the bargaining table alongside skilled negotiators from Unifor National and Local union leadership, ensuring that the voice of frontline workers is heard and respected.

  4. Union Benefits: Unlike some other unions, Unifor dues are paid only after ratifying the first collective agreement. This means that any economic gains achieved through collective bargaining quickly offset the dues paid, resulting in tangible improvements to benefits, pensions, wages, and workplace rules.

Joining Unifor isn't just about advocating for yourselves—it's about joining a larger movement dedicated to securing fairness and dignity for all workers. With over 24,600 members in the telecom sector and 12,900 in air transport, including airline call centre employees like you, Unifor has a proven track record of driving positive change in various sectors.

ETOP (Education Technical Office Professional) is an industry council under our national union.
Our affiliates are members who fall under the education, technical, office & professional workplaces in Unifor. Our goal is to strengthen, mobilize and build this sector of our union through collective action.

So, we invite you to join us on this journey towards a better work life, where you support each other and strive for excellence together. Together, you can make a difference and build a workplace that values your contributions and respects your rights.

Talk with your coworkers about the advantages of being a Unifor member and join together by signing a membership card.

Please share this link to sign a confidential Unifor membership card online and pay the $5 fee as required by law  

In solidarity,

Billy O’Neill
Unifor National Representative Organizing
[email protected]

Lucy Alessio
Unifor National Coordinator Organizing
[email protected]